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Our mission logo is a symbol of Americans and Peruvians coming together in one common goal, to reach the forgotten hurting.


I want to update all of our supporters.

Mission Update


 I Like to keep all of my mission supporters updated on the latest events and distributions we have accomplished, as of July 01 2023 we have distributed a total of 825 new wheelchairs since we first began in late 2015;  in 2019 we recognized the need for walkers, crutches and canes, it was a neglected and much needed ministry, so we made our first distribution in the December of the same year.
On our last May mission trip we distributed a mixed total of 150 mobility products, all thanks to our devoted ministry partners.
Our future plans and goal is to continue along this line of ministry, we will be raising money to purchase a total of 150 walking assistance devices as well as a minimum of 25 new wheelchairs.
We are currently doing 2 mobility distributions every year, one in June and one in December, our December distribution also includes a Christmas distribution of clothing, toboggans, socks and toys for children as well as blankets, hats, shoes and gloves to the children freezing in the mountains.
We thank you for your continued prayers and financial support to go and do what God has called us to do in the mountains of Peru, bringing the gospel of Jesus to the lost and hurting by meeting a great need to change their lives, one person at a time.
We will be bring 10 pastors and their wives to Urubamba in September of 2024 for discipleship, and training in the mobility ministry. In May of 2025 we will begin to do mobility ministries in 2 of the communities these pastors are from, along with this we are beginning a children's crusade in each community, we will play games, do human videos and present the gospel of Jesus to an average of 600 children and teenagers at each crusade.
We will repeat this process in the following December mission trip.
Keep praying for us, keep helping financially, because we are growing and reaching the hurting and the youth for Jesus.



Beau Moody Ministry

P O Box 435

Jemison Al. 35085



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